Ana Umbelino

Councillor in the Municipality of Torres Vedras


Ana Umbelino is a councillor in the municipality of Torres Vedras, Portugal;

Member of the Board of REVESs: European Network of Cities & Regions for the Social Economy;

Member of GECES - Expert group on social economy and social enterprises;

Vice-President of the Portuguese Jewish Quarter Network;

Vice-President of the Association for the Tourist Development of the Lines of Torres Vedras;

Member of the National Consultative Group for the integration of Roma Communities in representation of the National Association of Portuguese Municipalities [2016/2018];

Member of the National Commission for the implementation and monitorization of the National Reading Plan in representation of the Secretary of State for the Local Authorities;

Member of the Board of the Portuguese network of Healthy Municipalities;

Vice Presidente of the Supervisory Board of the Portuguese Intermunicipal Network for the Coopertion and Development [RICD];

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